DoverPhila Offers Holiday Skip-A-Pay to Qualified Members

DoverPhila Federal Credit Union’s Holiday Skip-A-Pay has started and runs until the end of January 2020.

You might qualify for this opportunity if you have made at least twelve full monthly payments on your loan, you have not exceeded the maximum skips allowed, and your account is in good standing.

Holiday Sip-A-Pay allowance is determined by the original loan term in years minus one. You can skip payment on all loans except Visa, HELOCs, and First Mortgages. Once the skipped payment is used, regular payments must continue and an additional month will be added to the length of your loan agreement. Finance charges continue to accrue at the stated rate of interest on your loan agreement.

If you have Credit Life, Disability Insurance, or GAP coverage, your policy matures prior to the end of your loan term. The monthly fee, if applicable, is due and payable with your next payment. Certain restrictions do apply with this offer. The Holiday Skip-A-Pay is valid for one month only and must be used before January 31, 2020.

Please contact DoverPhila Federal Credit Union at 330-364-8874 if you would like more information regarding this opportunity.

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